| Fonó Records FA 0462 1998 The newest world music album of the Ghymes Group will most probably raise the number of their already large group of fans. The black cover hides a colorful musical material that adjusts the Central-European folk traditions to the musical tendencies of the world. The "Dance in the snow" by Tamás Szarka to be found on the album is - in our opinion - one of the most beautiful folk-rock compositions of the past one and half decade. (FONÓ)
1. Rege 5.22 2. Bazsarózsa 6.22 3. "33" 5.25 4. Jézus ágyán 4.55 (Eredics Gábor - harmonika) 5. Azért ne bánkodjál 6.01 6. Eskü 5.16 7. Bujdosó dal 5.37 8. Ej de igen nagy kár 7.02 9. Ne nézz hátra 5.45 10. Tánc a hóban 7.41 (Eredics Kálmán - tarabuka) 11. Csönd 3.57 12. Fennen hordod 4.20
Total time - 67.61
Musicians: Andor Buják - viola, saxophon, double bass, flute, turkish pipe, chorus, saxophon, clarinet, flute Krisztián Buják - horns, drums, clarinet, saxophon, flute Gyula Szarka - voice, guitar, lute, double bass, chorus Tamás Szarka - voice, double bass, lute, guitars, violin, chorus
Guests: Péter Farnbauer - synthesizer Bernadett Kiss - voice Galántai Magyar Tanítási Nyelvu Alapiskola Gyermekkórusa - voice Kálmán Eredics - tarabuka Gábor Eredics - accordian János Lau - percussion |