FolkEurópa 2010 FECD 029
In the HUNGARIAN WORLD MUSIC (From traditional to world music 1-3.) series we have collected together on three CDs the essential listening in the field of ethno, world and folk music from Hungary over the past forty years – compositions that radiate the joy of creation and free experimentation. Pieces that did not force its rules on the artists in this branch of music. We hope that the enduring freshness of these early records is also going to impress those who have never heard of these musical experiments until now. From Muzsikás to Barbaro, from Lajkó Félix to Csík Band, from traditional to world music. /Ferec Kiss/
1. Sebő együttes: Meg kell a búzának érni 2’20”
2. Muzsikás: It Is Not Like It Used To Be… 4’44”
3. Vízöntő: Tükröt dobtam én a rétre… 6’10”
4. Vujicsics: Da je visna 2’28”
5. Vujicsics: Tana-rance 1’58”
4. Vujicsics: Vrajanka 2’26”
7. Simó Antal és Balla Antal: There Is NoStone Inside The Mill… 1’49”
8. Új Stílus és Berecz András: Füzesi 6’47”
9. Muzsikás: Outlaw Song 4’44”
10. Zsarátnok: Rekoh ti cone kazah 3’39”
11. Kormorán: Ilyu Highwayman 2’49”
12. C.S.Ö.: Fragment 0’48”
13. C.S.Ö.: Kóló 1’29”
14. Makám: Singing Menhirs 6’33”
Összidő / Total time 48’53”
Label: FolkEurópa
Year of release: 2010
Item number: FECD 029, FECD 0
Length: 48 + 51 + 60
Genre: folk music and world music
Construction: plastic