FONO RECORDS, Inc. FA-035-2 CD 1998 Attila Bardóczy, a talented artist and singer has won the "Best foreign performer" price on the parisian chanson-contest called "Vive la reprise 1996". They decided together with Michel Montanaro (two records of his published by Fonó Records up to now) to present a CD on which the well-known chanson-tune would be "made crazy" playing together with excellent Hungarian folk-musicians. The result is an excellent world music CD. Márta Sebestyén has also contributed to editing the record
1. Voyageurs 1:45 2. Chanson des poupées 2:15 3. Blues de celui qui reste 3:51 4. Vous ne direz pas 3:45 5. Berceuse 4:12 6. Jeux d enfants 3:03 7. Une larme 1:05 8. Voyageurs toujours (Instrumental) 2:25 9. Tant que les coutures tiendront 2:26 10. Cancon d amor 2:22 11. Le tango du bouillon d onze heures 3:03 12. Le vieux monsieur 3:39 13. Magda 2:17 14. Várom 2:35 15. Tu peux tout voir 2:58 16. Altató 4:24
Total time: 45:07
Bardóczy Attila - ének / voice Sebestyén Márta - ének / voice
Michel Montanaro tangóharmónika / accordion
Orosz Zoltán - tangóharmónika / accordion
Árendás Péter - brácsa / viola Kelemen László - brácsa / viola Baló István - dob / drums Balogh Kálmán - cimbalom / cimbalom Borbély Mihály - klarinét, szaxofon, fagott / clarinet, saxophon Doór Róbert - bőgő / bass Eredics Kálmán - bőgő / bass Langer Zoltán - bőgő / bass Liber Róbert - bőgő / bass Lutz János - bőgő / bass Eredics Gábor - tambura / tambura Győri Károly - tambura / tambura Honeczy Zoltán - gitár / guitar Horváth Zoltán - cselló tambura / cello tambura Kovács Ferenc - trombita / trumpet Molnár Miklós - hegedű / violin Ökrös Csaba - hegedű / violin Nagy János - zongora / piano Szendrődi Ferenc - brácsa tambura / bratsch tambura Recordind and mixing engineer:Szalai László Musical producer:Honéczy Zoltán - Montanaro Conception graphique:Klebercz Gábor Digital addition Work:Zsidei János |