

 The Vujicsics Association
OTP Szentendre Branch Office
Account Number: 11742087-2007044

The Vujicsics Association was founded by the members of the Vujicsics Ensemble and three other individuals who are as follows:

1. Mr. Gábor Eredics President of the Association
2. Mr. Mihály BorbélyVice President
3. Mr. Kálmán EredicsMember of the Board of Directors
4.Mr. Miroszláv Brczán Chairman of the Finance Committee
5. Mr. Gergely Böszörményi 
6. Mr. Tibor Ferenc Tóth  
7. Mr. László Gulyás  
8. Mr.Zoltán Horváth 
9. Mr. Zoltán Szabó  
10.  Mr.Ferenc Szendrődi 

On 10 June 1998, the foundation deed was approved at the General Assembly of the Association.